Open enrollment and in-house Python courses.

Python 3 Training Course for Beginners
This course is similar to our course "Python Training Course for Beginners", but it teaches Python 3, also known as Python 3000, the most up to date version of Python. For beginner programmers, Python is truly the optimal language with which to learn how to program, with its clear, readable syntax, intuitive object orientation, and natural expression of proecedural code. Python, including Python 3, is a remarkably powerful dynamic programming language that is used in a wide variety of application domains, and stands out with its simple and lucid syntax.
This training course covers the basic syntax of the python programming language. We will start with statements, variables, comments, conditionals, and loops, and then go on to cover many fundamentals of Python, such as tuples, lists and dictionaries. The course will also cover topics such as functions, modules, string formatting, and packages. While we typically run the courses out of hotels in beautiful locations, this course can be run as an in-house training course as well, across Canada and the Northern United States.
Target Group:
We have this course in two variants: Participants with no or hardly any programming experience and those with some background in programming language.
An intensive 3 to 5 days training course in the Python language on the shores of Lake Ontario. The course provides a hands-on introduction to the Python language covering object-oriented and functional programming techniques as well.
- Introduction to Python: What is Python? Origin and intentions. Differences to other programming languages.
- Differnces to Python 2.x
- Migrating scripts with 2to3
- Using the interactive Python shell and ipython.
- Editing and starting Python scripts
- Fundamentals: Variables, basic data types and assignments. Operators and expressions.
- Control Flow with Conditional Statements: The details of the if statement and the conditions
- Loops with While and for statements.
- Data Types: Lists, Tuples and Dictionaries
- Lists and stacks
- Functions and recursive functions
- File Handling
- Regular Expressions
- Modules and Packages
- Object Oriented Programming (OOP) with Python
- Python GUI's with Tkinter (optional)
- Extending Python with C (optional)
- From Mon, 20th Jun, 2016 until Fri, 24th Jun, 2016 (5 days)
- From Mon, 4th Jul, 2016 until Fri, 8th Jul, 2016 (5 days)
- From Mon, 29th Aug, 2016 until Fri, 2nd Sep, 2016 (5 days)
- From Mon, 26th Sep, 2016 until Fri, 30th Sep, 2016 (5 days)
- From Mon, 21st Nov, 2016 until Fri, 25th Nov, 2016 (5 days)
- From Mon, 12th Dec, 2016 until Fri, 16th Dec, 2016 (5 days)
5 days
The price for this course per day:
$ 449,-
per day (exclusive of HST)
The price comprises:
Course material
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